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  • Foster Optimism: Focus on the Positive

  1. Write about a positive future -- the idea is to envision your goals and dreams come true. 
    - Write about your great future life. Writing helps you absorb ideas better than just thinking.
    ​- Set aside time to write.

  • Practice Gratitude: Noticing & appreciating the positives in our lives is a great mood boost.

  1. Keep a gratitude journal -- write down anything large or small that makes you smile.

  2. Remind yourself to savour. Soak in all the lovelier aspects of your life. Breathe in the positive, exhale the negative.   

  3. Share your good news, it'll help make others happy too

  • Avoid Negative Thinking: Decrease the downers in your life. Turn your harshest critic into a cheering squad.

  1. Avoid dwelling on downers -- focusing on negatives isn't just unpleasant, it also can make you less effective in tackling tasks you face.

  2. Change unhealthy self-talk -- you may have been running negative messages in your head for a long time. But, you can learn to shift your thoughts, and over time, you can change your brain. Changing your thoughts can change your life!
    - Ask yourself if your negative thought is really true.
    - Remember achievements  that disprove your insecurity.
    - Imagine what you'd tell a friend.
    - Beware of all-or-nothing thinking.
    - Consider alternative explanations.

ways to be positive.

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